Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

David got a new toy for his father's day present...a new motorcycle!!! He loves it, but unfortunately it's so blasted hot down here this summer he hasn't had a lot of opportunities to ride it without it being miserable. We Love You Daddy! Be Careful!!!
I haven't posted since Memorial Day, so there are several new posts below this one!

Happy Birthday Ella!!!

We had Ella's 4th birthday party this past weekend. She won't be 4 until the end of the month, but we decided to party early this year. She had a Little Mermaid party and got lots of great gifts. Her "best friend" Camryn came to help her celebrate along with all the family. She had a blast! Her favorite gift was the roller skates she got from her Nana. She hasn't taken them off for the past 24 hours...I think she would have slept in them if I had let her! It was also my grandmother's (Ella's Great-Grandmother) birthday. Ella was celebrating 4 and Granny was celebrating 74! I got a picture of the oldest and youngest members of our family together...Ella got her love of shoes & clothes from Granny! :-)

Ella's 4 Year Old Pictures

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Baseball Champions

Connor's baseball team won the league championship for the second year in a row! We had a great year and now get to rest for a few weeks before football practice starts! This was Connor's 7th year for baseball and he only has one year of park ball left. Congratulations Yellow Jackets!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The tonsils are out!

The first couple of weeks of summer were filled will surgery for the kids. Ella had her tonsils out at the end of May and Connor had to have oral surgery for his braces the first of June. Ella was very brave and very giggly after they gave her the medicine to "relax." Every time someone said something to her she would giggle uncontrollably. Connor wouldn't let me take any pictures of him while he was having his procedure done, but he was pretty funny too. He kept looking at everybody like they were nuts when we talked to him after they gave him his happy medicine. You could tell he was trying to process what we were saying to him, but he couldn't manage to do it. It was pretty funny.
They both recovered quickly and the hardest part of it all was trying to keep Ella "quiet" for two weeks. One of the things we did during those two weeks was make a cake with fondant icing. WOW!!! What a mess! Just let me say that it is worth every penny to PAY someone else to do this type of cake. We made the fondant from scratch and the entire ordeal took us about 5 hours. Ella had a lot of fun, and the cake turned out O.K., but I wouldn't do it again!