Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Morning

Once again we sort of had two different Christmas mornings. Connor woke up early and couldn't wait to open his presents, and we couldn't get Ella to wake up, so we let him open his presents and then she opened hers once she was awake enough to realize Santa had come. Connor got a new guitar for Christmas that he was wanting really badly. He also got some video games, a guitar strap, and a few other things...he's definitely reached an age where he gets one major present and just a few smaller ones. Ella got a mini trampoline (which she has almost worn out already), a swing for her baby, a new chair, some new princess outfits and accessories, and a tumbling mat along with a few other little things. Connor also got a BB gun, rip stick, a small video camera, and a megaladon tooth. Ella got a Princess vanity, a new doll house, a princess castle, a cupcake maker, and a new baby. All in all everyone got too much and now I need to have a yard sale for all the "old" toys no longer being played with! :-)

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